Monday, January 14, 2008

Great blog Mr Mjengwa

Today am going to talk about one of thee many blogs I have been reading recently. This is a blog written by Mr Mjengwa who is the parent of four students in my school(don't worry am not going to associate that with what am going to talk about).
So yeah where was i? Oh yeah, Mr Mjengwa has a political blog which I think would be very wise if all of us sane people visit the blog. Mostly I think the blog is a critical eye to the government and the way the country is today. There are lots (and i mean it lots) of funny cartoons which personally I think are fantastic. Actually I laughed so hard that I got a rib ache(that maybe because i laugh too hard). What he talks about in this blog is true and they are things that are happening today in Tanzania. If we had lots of people writing like Mr Mjengwa I think the government will wake up more and behave(no comment).
So that's all I can say for today and if you have not visited his blog you should, you actually cant say you cant because you don't have his blog address, because am going to give it to you now. It is no excuses please make sure you do otherwise I will make you.
Good bye for now, yours truly